Friday, September 09, 2005

What if it doesn't code for intelligence?

There are some interesting results in studies of the genetics of the human brain. In particular, the population distribution of particular Microcephalin and ASPM gene variants raises an interesting problem.

First, the researchers sequenced the Microcephalin gene...
[One particular] distinctive mutation is now in the brains of about 70% of humans, and half of this group carry completely identical versions of the gene. The data suggests the mutation arose recently and spread quickly through the human species due to a selection pressure, rather than accumulating random changes through neutral genetic drift.
Analysing variation in the gene suggests the new Microcephalin variant arose between 60,000 and 14,000 years ago, with 37,000 years ago being the team's best estimate. The new mutation is also much more common among people from Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas than those from sub-Saharan Africa.
The team also sequenced the ASPM gene from the same original sample and again, among dozens of variants, found a defining mutation that alters the protein the gene codes for. Estimates are that the new variant of ASPM first appeared in humans somewhere between 14,000 and 500 years ago, with the best guess that it first arose 5,800 years ago. It is ... present in about a quarter of people alive today, and is more common in Europe and the Middle East than the rest of the world...
"The evidence for selection is compelling," says population geneticist Rasmus Nielsen of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. Yet it remains unclear yet how these genes work in healthy people. Many researchers doubt there is any mechanism by which nature could be selecting for greater intelligence today, because they believe culture has effectively blocked the action that natural selection might have on our brains.
Lahn and his colleagues are now testing whether the new gene variants provide any cognitive advantage. Natural selection could have favoured bigger brains, faster thinking, different personalities, or lower susceptibility to neurological diseases, Lahn says. Or the effects might be counter-intuitive. "It could be advantageous to be dumber," Lahn says. "I highly doubt it, but it's possible."

What if the genes together code for increased social religiosity? The distribution and timing is in line with the rise and spread of monotheism. Old Testament accounts of genocidal tribal warfare suggest a social mechanism by which gene variants could have been spread aggressively in an expansionist manner. Cultural selection as an accelerated mechanism of natural selection.

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