Saturday, November 03, 2007

Possible pipe bomb origins

In Arizona, a nuclear plant was locked down after a pipe bomb was found in an employee's vehicle. The employee does not seem to be directly involved. As well, it's not a particularly difficult task to attach a pipe bomb to a truck.

"So, the mystery is how did that pipebomb get into his truck? Arpaio said. "What's the motive to someone to put this in his truck? I don't know. Was it a disgruntled employee? I don't know. Were they trying to target him?"

Given the timing of the pipe bomb, I can't rule out a failed Halloween prank as a reason for the pipe bomb.

Two elementary schools and a high school in the area were locked down briefly when a plant employee notified the district, Superintendent Robin Berry said.

Alternately, this could be a feasibility test, a mild attack to determine if defenses are soft or not. If so, clearly it was a failure.

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