Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Spin via omission

This is far from a representative sample, but the LA Times report on Sanchez' speech contained:

Sanchez lashed out specifically at the National Security Council, calling officials there negligent and incompetent, without offering details. He also blasted war policies over the last four years, which he said had stripped senior military officers of responsibility and thrust the armed services into an "intractable position" in Iraq.
"The best we can do with this flawed approach is stave off defeat," Sanchez said in a speech to the Military Reporters and Editors' annual conference in Arlington, Va. "Without bipartisan cooperation, we are destined to fail. There is nothing going on in Washington that would give us hope."

That doesn't quite parse right. What's this about bipartisan cooperation? The CBC report carries an extra portion entirely omitted from the above report, Sanchez' conclusion that the USA must stay in Iraq:

While he was pessimistic about current U.S. strategy, he also said withdrawing all troops is not an option.
"The American military finds itself in an intractable situation … America has no choice but to continue our efforts in Iraq," he said.

That last bit certainly isn't aimed at (most) Republicans.

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