Monday, February 06, 2006

Religious smartmobs apparently go global

The religious smartmob has apparently come of age. Associate editor Najla Al Rostamani of opines:

I had first come to realise that the Danish cartoons debacle would snowball into a controversy when my mobile phone beeped with the first SMS message on the issue. This was followed by a second and a third and a fourth beep. Almost all of them carried the same message which read as follows: "Voice your protest to the blasphemous attack on the Prophet (PBUH) and respond by sending a letter of complaint to Jyllands-Posten."
The message also facilitated a URL link to the website of the newspaper in question...
Technology brings about instant reactions. Whether what it carries is true or false, accurate or inaccurate is besides the point.

Mind you, I can't rule out the possibility that certain religious and national government organizations deliberately spread the message as a mass psyop in order to intimidate the EU.

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